Charleston Animal Legislative Action League

Using our votes to drive change

We are a bipartisan organization with a mission to improve the animal welfare laws in the Charleston community.

How to HelpAbout
About Us

About ALAL

Our mission is to improve the animal welfare laws in our community.

We intend to use our votes to elect representatives that support better treatment of animals.

We are creating ordinances that standardize how animals should be treated in order to equip our law enforcement and animal control officers with clear and detailed criteria. This will allow them to enforce the laws, while giving residents straightforward guidelines to follow.

Clear laws will also help reduce the number of unwarranted complaints that both law enforcement and elected officials receive regarding animals.

Charleston ALAL

We Support

Humane tethering guidelines

Better basic care laws

banning puppy mills + backyard breeding

stronger penalties for animal cruelty


Want to help make a difference in animal welfare in Charleston? Contact us today to see how you can help!


At this time, we are not asking for any monetary donations to our organizations. Instead, we ask that you support our local animal rescues directly.