FAQ & Resources

How to Help

How to Help

DATE - Mark Your Calendars

Please attend the Charleston City Council meeting at ___________ as we propose our first two ordinances.


If you have specific expertise or skills in an area we are focused on and are interested in donating your time to help our cause, please email us!


Follow Us

Follow us on social media, share our posts, and invite others to follow our fight!


At this time, we are not asking for any monetary donations to our organizations. Instead, we ask that you support our local animal rescues directly.


Charleston County Animal Control

(843) 743-7200

You can call anytime. Currently, Animal Control works M-F 9am-5pm. If you call during normal business hours, they will handle your call that day. If you call after hours, dispatch will provide Animal Control with the information to follow up the next day. Please always ask dispatch for a case number and request that animal control call you back when they have followed up!

If it is an emergency situation, please call 911 and provide as much information as you can in order to help officers respond accordingly. YOU CAN BE KEPT ANONYMOUS IF YOU WISH.

What to do if you find an animal after hours


If the animal is friendly and in good health: and you can keep it overnight in a safe area, please do so and bring it to the Charleston Animal Society the following day. They have a full medical staff and will ensure the animal is scanned for a microchip. If no owner can be located, it will be put up for adoption. Alternatively, you can take the animal to your local police station or vet’s office and they will scan for a microchip.

If the animal is injured or you do not feel comfortable having it in your home, please take it to the Charleston Veterinary Referral Center located at: 3484 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414. They are open 24/7 all year round.